
Finding a Jobs in South Africa

If you’re wondering how to get a job in South Africa, but not sure how, you’re in the right place. With focus and motivation, it’s possible to find the right job in South Africa for you. But, it’s important to plan thoroughly. We are in the field of finding jobs in Johannesburg, Pretoria and everywhere.

These tips have been compiled for you based on our experience and lots of feedback from our loyal contributors. Please read them, understand them, and apply them, so you can plan for success and get a job in South Africa.

1. How to get a job in Canada: It starts with your resume (or ‘CV’)

Ensure you have carefully read our resume format in South Africa guide before sending your resume to employers in South Africa . Poorly-written resumes — as well as resumes that list duties rather than personal or team achievements — will hinder you from making an impact and stop you from getting a job in South Africa  before even reaching the interview stage. Read these tips carefully, ensure you understand the objective, and apply these simple concepts to help your resume impress an employer. Your resume is the all-important first impression, so don’t fall short at this crucial first step when applying for jobs in South Africa.

2. Be selective

In many professions, responding to online job ads is not a truly effective way to find jobs in South Africa. Be selective in your job search. Do not blanket bomb 30 companies with the same resume and cover letter, as managers in companies talk to each other. This is a common mistake. Networking, cold calling, and informational interviews are much more effective ways to distribute your resume.

3. Be enthusiastic

Always ensure you have a contact for the company and follow up within a week of submitting your resume to show your interest. “Thank-you” emails after an interview set you apart from other candidates applying for jobs in South Africa. These marginal gains can add up to getting a job in South Africa.

4. Get strong endorsements

It’s easier to find jobs in South Africa if you have strong references. Try to obtain employment references from previous employers in your home country or other countries you have worked in, but only if relevant to the role.

5. Use the tools available to you

Leverage LinkedIn. This social media tool for professionals is effectively your online resume and network. Recruiters and employers are using this tool every day to source candidates for jobs in South Africa.

6. Learn how to network

Effective networking allows you to gain useful insight and gain crucial contacts, both socially and professionally. Research networking events for your profession or ask contacts how best to meet more people in your field.

Remember, most available jobs in South Africa never get advertised publicly — this is the so-called hidden job market — so don’t sit at home waiting for that job to come and find you. Networking is crucial to finding jobs in South Africa. Read our networking in South Africa article or tips on how to use informational interviews to expand your contacts. You need to get your name out there across your industry so that when a job comes up, you are in position to be called in.

Get the word out to all of the local contacts you have that you’re looking for work, and always look to build new contacts as it’s crucial to your success in a new city.

One way to expand your local network of contacts (and get that all-important South Africa work experience on your resume) is to volunteer. Visit Free Classifieds to find volunteer opportunities where you can meet people across all sectors of society.

7. Be open to help

Never turn down an offer of help when finding a job in South Africa. Be proactive and determined. Send an email or pick up the phone to thank the person who offered you help or guidance.

8. Get accredited

Your profession may require your foreign qualifications to be accredited in South Africa. Professions such as teaching, physiotherapy, nursing, and social work, among others, usually require additional accreditation. This process can take a while, so be prepared.


9. Be confident – you deserve to be.

Moving to a new country is a challenge. Finding jobs in South Africa when you have to build your support network from scratch is also tricky, but you can accomplish this too!

It’s important to believe in yourself throughout the process – and to make sure others know you believe in yourself too. Watch this useful TED Talk on how small adjustments to your body language can help.

10. And finally…

Remember our advice about not turning down help? Check in with your local library, as many host regular sessions with tips for getting jobs in your area.


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